12 Natural Health & Comfort Gift Ideas


The Natural  Health Solutions Center

518 Alabama St., Bristol, TN 37620 – (423) 968-1536, www.TheNHSCenter.com


David Luther – Executive Director


Dear Friends,

        Here are 12 gift ideas to improve the health and comfort of friends and family on your holiday gift list. Each is guaranteed by The Natural Health Solutions Center to do for the user what is noted as a benefit for that item.  Feel free to call with any questions.

  1. Aches & Pains?: Relieve any discomfort by at least 50% in 5 minutes with our Magnessage device – A hand held magnetic field generator in the shape of a wand.  Reduces most discomforts (headaches, back pain, etc.) by 50% in 5 minutes.  Increases circulation to achieve this analgesic effect.  Benefits usually last about 24 hours.  ($149)


  1. Sleep: Improve the depth and quality of Sleep while reducing the time needed in bed by about 30 minutes/night – Using 2 powerful spot magnets taped with fabric tape (provided) to the underside of your pillow to increase your natural Melatonin production.  Get to sleep faster and spend more time in the deep stages of sleep to optimize your rest and recovery.  Most clients notice a 30 minute reduction in the time required in bed to achieve a better night’s sleep. ($43)


  1. Itchy skin?: Our Microjet shower head removes chlorine from your shower water to reduce skin dryness and itching, especially during the winter. Also preserves hair color, as chlorine leaches that from tinted hair.  Easy to install, just replace the filter cartridge ($45) once/yr.  Fully adjustable, massaging shower stream.  ($120)


  1. Immune support Kit: 2 month+ supply of Vitamins C and D, Zinc & a highly effective mushroom immune supplement with 16 mushrooms.  These are the 4 most effective supplements to significantly boost your immune function. The efficacy of each of these supplements is verified by many scientific studies. They are also recommended by most holistic practitioners, especially now during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  ($74.95, 4 bottles included)


  1. Nutritional Foundation Kit – 2 Month+ supply of a highly effective, whole foods based Vitamin/Mineral Supplement, Omega 3 Fish Oil, and Turmeric & Ginger supplement.  This combination provides a very effective nutritional foundation that allows you to feel energized and avoid health problems in the future.  Each of these supplements has been tested repeatedly with our clients using Muscle Response Testing methods and have consistently proved to be the best that we can find (averaging +75% strength improvement).  ($64.26, 3 bottles included) Note: By contrast Centrum, a well known chemically based vitamin, will usually test between -20% & +10% in a muscle response test.


  1. Easy Weight Loss – Using a Probiotic supplement that adds to your range of healthy gut flora with 13 additional strains to more efficiently digest your food, reduce cravings and promote fat burning in your metabolism.  1 month supply of 30 capsules is $49.95.  1 to 2 bottles should be all that is needed to establish these new gut flora in your digestive system for long term benefits.


  1. Sore Feet, Neuropathy or High Blood Pressure?: Magnetic Insoles increase circulation in your feet and legs by dilating the blood vessels in those areas, with a similar residual benefit to the rest of the body. In addition to improving foot comfort, this vasodilation also reduces blood pressure systemically.  (Note that we also offer a supplement that reduces blood pressure naturally, and we recommend the insoles in combination with this supplement ($39 for 2 month’s supply) if BP reduction is the primary goal).  (Insoles = $39)


  1. Headaches?:  Magnetic Necklaces are wonderfully effective at eliminating headaches, even migraines.  Stress headaches are relieved very quickly; Migraines usually take about 1 month to be dramatically reduced or eliminated.  Gold and Silver Tone necklaces available.  ($85 or $125 depending on style).


  1. Sore Joints, Back, or morning aches?:  Add a spot magnet system to your existing mattress to increase circulation during sleep, allowing for faster, more complete recovery overnight. Also allows the body to detox more effectively, which boosts energy and immune function.  ($249 – Comes with everything you need to attach to your existing mattress).  Allow 3 months use to fully confirm benefits.  Benefits tracking form included so you can objectively measure the benefits you receive.


  1. Brain Fog?: Use a liquid Zeolite Supplement to remove Heavy Metals that have accumulated in your body, especially your brain, over time.  These toxins can come from the water you drink, the food you eat (fish for example), and especially from vaccines that use them as preservatives or adjuvants (ex: the standard annual Tri-Valent Flu vaccine includes mercury as a preservative).  The microscopic pumice particles in the tasteless solution trap heavy metal ions in a lattice work that keeps them from doing any damage as they are eliminated from the body. ($39.95 per 2 oz. Bottle = 1 month supply. Recommend at least 3 months to detox).  We also offer an effective Liver detox and recovery program.  (Note: If you want to find out if you have toxins built up in your body, we offer a hair analysis program that will give you a detailed report showing your body’s mineral and toxin content. ($170)


  1. Electro-magnetic Field (EMF) Protection (from cell phones, WIFI, computers, and cell towers): We offer EMF protective devices for cell phones, computers, and whole rooms.  These devices counteract the significant negative effects of EMF’s on your brain and nervous system. How to confirm the issues with EMF’s and the benefits of these devices – Using your thumb and 4th finger have someone test your baseline strength.  Then make a call with your cell phone (say to your voicemail) holding the phone to your ear; then recheck your strength.  It will usually have declined by about 30%.  Then do the same thing with the small protective device attached to your phone.  Your strength should have increased 30% over your baseline strength even when you are using he phone.  Similar tests can be done with this protective device ($22.95) on your computer, or with a whole room protector ($95.50).  In both cases, these devices use energy from the phone or wall outlet, respectively, to generate a low frequency Electro-Magnetic Field that your body likes and which turns off the negative effects of the higher frequency EMF’s that are harmful to your body.  According to large body of research, the coming 5G technology products and installations will be much more harmful that the previous 3G and 4G systems.


  1. Magnetic Pet Pad:  Dogs and Cats love these magnetic, cloth covered pads.  The increased circulation resulting from the magnetic fields is especially helpful to animals with joint issues or arthritis. In stock size is 18” x 35” with 53 magnets.  ($85.30)  Additional sizes available. 


Most of these items can be viewed on our website ( www.TheNHSCenter.com ).  As we are currently upgrading our website and changing our credit card gateway, please call your order in for now (423-968-1536 or 800-850-8241). This will also allow us to answer any questions that you may have about the product(s) in which you are interested.  You can also email me atDavidLuther77@embarqmail.com. We have excellent scientific research backing up each product and/or technology noted above. We will be happy to send this information to you upon request.  If you or a loved one has a need that is not addressed above, it is most likely that we can offer an effective, non-invasive solution. 


 Happy Holidays to you and your family!     -- David


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