VACCINES' Efficacy & Safety - What You Need to Know

As drug manufacturers are furiously trying to develop a COVID Virus Vaccine, the world is holding its collective breath.  We will all have to decide whether we want to get one of these vaccines or not soon.  The COVID-19 vaccine, the annual flu vaccine, and children’s vaccines, are all touted by the medical community as being safe and effective.  Is this really true?  Because the vaccines and whatever is in them is being injected directly into your body they can do significant damage to your health if there are toxins in them.  I am
 attaching access to a series of interviews with top doctors and vaccine researchers that has recently been released.  This document also includes a brief outline of the major points from the interviews.  You can listen to them on your smart phone if it is not convenient to view them on your computer.  Just click on the weblink and enter the noted user name and password to access all of the interviews.  Please let me know if you have a problem accessing these interviews. My hope is that the information available here will allow you to be a more informed consumer of vaccines, and to know enough to ask important questions regarding their efficacy and safety prior to getting them.

Hopefully you will have a chance to listen to some or all of these interviews.  They should help you make up your own mind about whether the benefits of various vaccines provide enough benefit to justify the risks.  In case you do not have time to do this now, I thought it may be helpful to highlight a few of my take-aways from these interviews:


  1. Many vaccines still contain Mercury, Aluminum, and/or Formaldehyde, all known neurotoxins.

  2. A recent Pentagon Study found that those who received the annual flu vaccine had a higher rate of contracting the COVID-19 Virus.

  3. Up until the1980’s the standard children’s vaccine schedule included approximately 6 types of vaccines administered in approximately 17 vaccinations over childhood. Now there are approximately 17 vaccines administered in approximately 65 vaccinations.

  4. There has never been a comprehensive study comparing the long term outcomes for vaccinated children vs unvaccinated children.

  5. There have been multiple failures for various vaccines that have caused an over-reaction of the vaccinated people’s or animals’ immune systems when they come in contact with the relevant disease..

  6. The rate of Autism is now 1 in 30 children.  Up until the 1980’s the rate had always been about 1 in 10,000.  Half of all children now have a chronic health issue – Allergies, ADD, Asthma, Autism, etc.

  7. While there are more environmental toxins in the world each year that can cause health issues, their rate of increase is far exceeded by the increase in the number of vaccines being administered. 

  8. Some common childhood diseases impart immunity to later diseases, such as cancer.  Thus there may be significant benefits to allowing children to get the Mumps and Chicken Pox, among others.

  9. In some cases, you can request vaccines that do not have heavy metals in them.  They are often not offered up front as these are more expensive to produce.

  10. Some vaccines are administered to newborn children with questionable benefits, and clear health concerns.  Delaying vaccinations until children are older can help reduce the chance of vaccine injury.

  11. Due to a 1986 US law, Vaccine manufacturers, doctors and the medical community in general bear no liability for vaccine injuries. 

  12.  All vaccine injury compensation must be adjudicated in a special Vaccine Injury Court.  This is an adversarial venue and the process takes many years to receive rightful compensation.

  13. Even with this inefficient, adversarial court system, the US Government has paid out Billions of Dollars for Vaccine Injuries, including Autism.

  14.  There is strong evidence, including multiple whistle blowers, that Vaccine Manufacturers as well as the CDC have made a great effort to hide statistics showing significant rates of vaccine injuries.

  15. There is a real concern about government and medical mandates that may require vaccines for schools, travel, etc.  More vaccines are being developed for future application.

Again, these are some of the main points from the interviews that I thought were important and well supported.  I would enjoy hearing any thoughts that you may have regarding this information. If you feel that this information may be helpful to friends or family, please forward this to them.  Thanks.                                 

All the best to you and your family.   --  David     


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